The word Budget - it's not a very nice word…
When you hear or say the word “budget” what do you immediately think of? I can answer that for you, as I am pretty sure it is the same for all of us…
It makes you feel deprived, negative, flat, and maybe even a little stressed and depressed. That is because you immediately think of all the things you cannot have, but what you want so badly. It is exactly the same feeling as when you are on a diet. How often do your friends ask you to share a pizza, a bowl of wedges, or that bottle of fine Shiraz? You know it tastes soooooooo good, but you cannot have it, because you are on a diet!
The word “budget” is exactly the same…
As soon as you hear it, you start thinking of those items that you would love to have, but sadly, “cannot afford”. That’s what you tell yourself anyway as the word budget kind of implies that you will never have those “must have” items as they are not IN the budget, nor would they ever FIT IN the budget, so what’s the point?…
Who actually budgets these days anyway? All budgeting appears to be is a way to track what you have spent… when that is exactly what it is… Spent! It has gone! It is too late...
What you actually need is a Spending Plan. But you knew I was gonna say that, right? Because that’s what we do... Spending Plans.
Anyway….. back to my point, budgets don’t work because:
we keep avoiding them
we don’t actually put that much effort into them
we never feel like doing them
they make us feel deprived
and we fear that they are going to give us bad news….
Then when we do tell ourselves that we have a healthy budget, we want to make ourselves feel good and reward ourselves, so we go out and spend some money (generally on stuff we don’t need) and we just show that nasty word Budget who is the Boss!
Essentially you sabotage your hard work
As we get into even more debt, that we hadn’t budgeted for… and here you go again... Back on the budget, going round and round, avoiding looking at the day-to-day finances, and never really getting ahead. It's a vicious circle you're in huh?
What's The Solution? A Spending Plan
With a Spending Plan, you know exactly where all of your hard-earned cash is, and ever so more importantly, where it is going. It even tells you the “safe amount” you need to have in your bank account at any one time, so no nasty surprise bills increasing your stress. In fact, it projects into the future too so you can work out when you will reach your savings goals for things such as a holiday, a car, or even buying your own home. Ground breaking stuff!
If you are fed up with avoiding the day-to-day finances and budgeting, and simply cannot get rid of that knot or sick feeling in your stomach, then we need to talk.
Essentially, you need to know that you no longer have to feel deprived, stressed or depressed about your day-to-day finances. Never ever again.
Budgets are a thing of the past. Spending Plans are in. For more information, check out www.spendingmadeeasy.com.au The testimonials speak for themselves…
Contact us to find out more, or book in here for a no-obligation chat.
